Proactive In-Crop Weed Control: A Guide to Effective Weed Management 

You know that effective weed management is crucial for maximizing crop yields but things are changing.  There are so many decisions to be made for in-crop herbicide applications, putting off thinking about them until you see weeds is too late for both you and your crop.  Here are some things to consider as you look at planning for the busy spring season. 

Understanding Weed Populations 

Weed populations in our area are diverse and can vary significantly from one field to another. Common weed species like wild oats, kochia, cleavers and volunteer canola each present unique challenges to control in-crop. Accurate identification and assessment of weed size and density are crucial steps in developing an effective herbicide plan.  

Resistant Weeds Impact Crop Protection Options 

Scouting also helps determine the presence of resistant weeds which require a unique approach to control for long-term weed management.  This website features a quiz on resistant weeds – a great place to start your integrated weed management strategy.  This article from the Canola Council of Canada explains integrated weed management strategies are driven by the species and timing of weeds.  For a list of resistant weeds in Western Canada, check out this graphic from the Prairie Weed Monitoring Network. 

The Earlier the Better 

When crops are just emerging, reducing weeds competing for resources gives them a solid start and makes them more resilient to stressors later in the growing season.  Research in every crop concludes the same thing – early weed control is critical to maximizing yield potential. 

A Proactive Approach 

Spray season can be challenging – wind, rain and dew can make spraying hard on everyone.  Planning some crop protection options in advance can help make spray season run smoother and give your crops an early growing advantage. 

  1. Planning – A winter conversation about weeds you saw at harvest and your seeding plans for specific fields can narrow the options for in-crop herbicide applications. 

  2. Product Booking – Even a rough estimate of products you’ll use can ensure that your local Sharpe’s location has the products and quantities you’ll need when you need them. 

  3. Scouting - Working with expert scouts can help you finalize decisions about herbicide application – type, brands, timing and rates.  

  4. Application – No matter what product you choose, it has to hit the weed: 

  • Understanding how the product works is critical – a systemic versus contact herbicide 

  • Preparing spray equipment with the right nozzles and calibrating correctly 

  • Preselecting products that maximize herbicide effectiveness and efficiency (drift control, water conditioning, etc.) 


Ready to optimize your crop yield for 2025?

Call Sharpe's Crop Services now to learn more about our comprehensive fertility plans and how we can help you achieve your farming goals.

Phone: Moosomin 1-306-435-3319
Langenburg 1-306-743-2677
Rocanville 1-306-645-4555
Stockholm 1-306-793-4333
Angusville 1-204-773-2466
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